Computer Networking Course (CNC)

Computer Networking Course (CNC) at Glorious Computer Academy! This program is your gateway to understanding the basics of computers, how they work, and how to use them effectively. Join us at Glorious Computer Academy and start your journey towards becoming an industry professional in the world of computer applications

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    Duration 3 Months
    COURSE FEE:6000/-
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    Syllabus :

    Unit Topics
    Unit 1: The OSI Model Layers 1 – 4
    • Networking Connectivity
    • Network Extension
    • Network Typologies
    • Protocols
    • Programs and Processes
    • Protocol Layering Concept
    Unit 2: The OSI Model Layers 1 – 4
    • Introduction
    • The Physical Layer
    • The Data Link Layer
    • The Network Layer
    • The Transport Layer
    Unit 3: The OSI Model Layers 5 – 7
    • Introduction
    • The Session Layer
    • The Presentation Layer
    • The Application Layer
    Unit 4: LAN Architecture
    • Introduction
    • History of LANs
    • Transmission Methods and Media
    • LAN Protocols Introduction
    • Ethernet
    • Token Ring
    • Token Bus
    • Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI)
    • Wireless LANs
    • LAN Protocols
    Unit 5: Computing Platforms
    • Introduction
    • Personal Computers
    • Workstations
    • Mid-range Computers
    • Mainframe Computers
    Unit 6: Network Operating Systems
    • Introduction
    • The Client/Server Model
    • Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
    • PC LAN Architectures and the OSI Model
    • Network Operating System
    • Xerox Network Systems (XNS) and the OSI Model
    • Novell NetWare and the OSI Model
    • AppleTalk and the OSI Model
    • Banyan Vines and the OSI Model
    • IBM PC LANs and the OSI Model
    • Windows NT and the OSI Model
    • UNIX and the OSI Model
    • LANtastic and the OSI Model
    Unit 7: System Architectures
    • Introduction
    • TCP/IP Naming and Addressing
    • TCP/IP Applications and Application Services
    • TCP/IP Protocol Details
    • System Architectures
    Unit 8: Internetworking
    • Introduction
    • Relays and Repeaters
    • Bridges
    • Routers
    • Gateways
    • Hubs
    • Switches
    • Network Management and SNMP